In-Person CE Courses

In-Person CE Courses

Optimal Mitigation and Advanced Diagnostics - Harrisburg, PA | 16 hrs - 8am-5pm Eastern | March 24-25, 2025 - 8 spots left register now!

   This highly interactive course is designed to help radon mitigation professionals develop and strengthen diagnostic techniques as well as build confidence to overcome barriers for successful radon reduction. We will examine both business and technical aspects of succeeding in challenging diagnostic situations. In addition, we move through advanced engineering of mitigation techniques. This course is hands-on understanding with tons of fun one-on-one learning.  If you are not ready to share your experiences (or lack thereof) and open your mind to new experiences and applications, then look elsewhere. This course is hands-on understanding with tons of fun one-on-one learning. If you are not ready to share your experiences (or lack thereof) and open your mind to new experiences and applications, then look elsewhere.  More details on the course here:
16 hours CE NRPP
Location: Harrisburg, PA | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern
   Rachel Carson State Office Building  |  400 Market Street | 4th Floor  |  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania  17101
Cost: $500 
Register Now!  -  5 spots left - PA free are all filled

CE Before EPA Region 4 Radon Stakeholders Meeting - Huntsville, AL | March 31, 2025

  • 8am-noon Central Time

    • Radon for the Real Estate Industry (4hrs CE NRPP/AREC)
      This course covers the radon basics, measurement protocols, devices and procedures for use during a real estate transaction in residential settings.
      Location: Huntsville, AL 
      Cost: $80 
      Register Now!


  • 1-5pm Central

    • Mitigation Design, Diagnostics and Materials Review Video Series (4hrs CE NRPP)
      This course will focus on mitigation design, diagnostics and materials through a video series reviewing the Rutgers' Superslab with its designer Bill Broadhead and radon training expert Bruce Snead. In person or as live webinar, the course will be presented as a guided Watch, Discuss and Learn.
      Location: Huntsville, AL
      Cost: $80 
      Register Now!


  • 1-5pm Central

  • MS-QA for Radon Measurement Professionasl (2hrs CE NRPP) 1-3pm Central 
    This course for radon professionals covers Sections 1-5 of the ANSI/AARST MS-QA-2023 in detail by reviewing the basics and the requirements to meet quality assurance goals.
    Location: Huntsville, AL 
    Cost: $40 
    Register Now!


  • Social Media for Radon Small Business (2hrs CE NRPP) 3-5pm Central
    A two-hour course on promoting your small radon business through email marketing and social media. This course will demonstrate how to create free, eye-appealing graphics to grab the attention of a targeted audience. With attendee participation and by completing worksheets throughout the course, you will walk away with ready-made outreach examples, a calendar of focus-areas for the next year, and confidence to create your own graphics to make your small business stand out from the rest.
    Location: Huntsville, AL 
    Cost: $40 
    Register Now!