Exam Information

To be listed, certified, or licensed by states, you need to pass a national proficiency exam. Check with the states in which you wish to do business (list of state radon offices) to see whether there are additional requirements.

Are the exams really difficult?
Yes, they are difficult examinations. You will need to study and prepare for the exams. You should read the advance reading assignments, plan to study the course materials in the evenings during the course, and be sure to ask questions of your instructor. We take a number of steps to help you prepare for the examinations, including providing summaries of key course content, use of practice questions and answers, comparative checklists, course reviews, and experienced, award-winning instructors.

What happens if I don’t pass the exam?
We want every student to pass the examination the first time, and we do everything ethically possible to help you pass. If you do not pass, you can then register and retake the exam (NRPP requires a waiting period between attempts). You must pay for the exam each time you take it. It is important to pass the exam and apply for certification within 12 months of completing the course. 

Can I take the course now and take the exam at a later time?
Yes, you can take a national proficiency exam within 12 months after your course, but for the vast majority of individuals, it is best to take the exam immediately following the course while the complex materials is still fresh.

Do I have to pass the measurement exam before I can take the mitigation course and exam?
No, you do not need to pass the measurement examination before you take the mitigation course and examination. You are required to take the measurement course prior to the mitigation course.

I want to become certified in mitigation only. Do I have the take the measurement exam?
If you plan to only carry out radon mitigation work, you do not need to take the measurement examination.

Online Exam with NRPP

All NRPP certification exams will be online only: https://nrpp.info/nrpp-exams/.

Online Exam with NRSB

All NRSB certification exams will be online only: https://www.nrsb.org/exams/digital-exam-information/